International Workshop on Flexible Electronics and Sensors 23.09.2019
We kindly invite you to our International Workshop on Flexible Electronics and Sensors. Sensors are already an integral part of our everyday lives. However, their influence on our lives will continue to increase, in a wide variety of areas, relieve us of tasks, offer us security or simply make everyday (and professional) life easier. In the SenSa network, 7 Saxon industry and technology clusters join to offer the opportunity to get to know each other, to exchange ideas, but also to develop common ideas for the future and to initiate new projects. Take advantage of these opportunities.
2 Tracks, 9 Sessions:
- Sensors in Automotive
- Sensing Technologies with Silicon and Beyond
- Sensors in Aviation
- Flexible and Organic Sensors
- Printed Electronics
- Organic Electronics
- Materials for Flexible Electronics
- Roll-to-roll Production Technologies
- Flexible Displays
The Full Program is published here (preliminary).
REGISTER NOW! For late registrations after August 31st, we charge an additional fee of € 50.00 on the standard and the reduced ticket fee.
A discount on the ticket price is provided to members of SenSa partner clusters.
Link zur Veranstaltung und Anmeldung: